Pause + Pray

Find the Common Place

Two people walking on cobblestone street


Jesus came to the well on a hot day, tired from his long journey. Encountering a Samaritan woman, he began to tell her personal, private details about her life that no one else knew. She came to see him as a prophet—a holy man—until Jesus revealed himself as the Messiah. The experience of Jesus meeting this woman right where she was in her life led to her own profound conversion, which led her to go and tell the whole town about what had happened.


Jesus, you met the Samaritan woman right where she was,
even if her life was a mess.
May this sacred encounter be a powerful reminder to all of us
as we strive to meet others with pastoral care and compassion.


Who in your life do you need to meet right where they are? Ask Jesus to reveal those people to you and then love them right where they are.

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