Pause + Pray

The Grace of Today

silhouette of a woman dancing


Sometimes the demands that are placed upon us—which are often self-inflicted demands—fuel expectations that mysteriously bind themselves to us. We become bonded to a false reality rooted in lack, and therefore become blinded to an unfolding reality that is filled with divine gifts that are to be enjoyed, big or small. What is the narrative in your head that pulls you away from enjoying today’s grace and gifts? May this prayer help inspire you to release that narrative and enjoy the gifts and grace of the day.


Open me up to the magic and possibility
of living within what my dear friend calls
“the grace of the day”—
where every gift is savored for as long as it lasts,
like being lost in a song, swimming in its layers,
fully present, strangely free, wanting nothing more from life
than dancing into the next tune.
All is a gift from you for me. Thank you, Lord.


Pray a line or two from this prayer that resonates for you every time the narrative begins to replay itself in your head.

Stephen Copeland

1 thought on “The Grace of Today”

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, may I never fail to recognize your loving kindness and mercy. Fill my heart with compassion and thanksgiving, and free me from ingratitude and discontentment. Help me to count my blessings with a grateful heart and to give thanks in all circumstances. Amen.

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