Pause + Pray

Blindness and the World

man holding his hands over his eyes.


One of the recurrent messages the Gospels is the blindness of the world, perhaps even the unwillingness of the worldly to open their eyes and truly see. Echoing the prophets, Jesus cries out against those who have closed their eyes. Jesus tells us that this kind of blindness is a choice—a choice to close our eyes and avoid seeing reality: the truth of pain, hunger, indifference, loneliness around us, or even the beauty and wonder. Take a moment and ponder: Where and when are you closing your eyes? What are you trying to avoid? What are you missing? Is there someone in your life who simply hungers to be seen?


Dear God,
Open my eyes to the world around me.
Open my eyes today to the wonder of all creation,
and to the mystery of your grace dwelling there.
You gave me eyes to see, ears to hear,
and hands to give comfort and to work for justice.
Make me an instrument of your love
for everyone I see, and hear, and touch this day.


Put your distractions away for some time today, and open your eyes to see the people and the world around you—especially those in your immediate presence. If you are at work, when someone comes to speak to you, close your computer, put down your pen, and look them in the eye. Bless them with the knowledge that they are truly seen.

Herman Sutter

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