Pause + Pray

Beautiful Messiness

Desk with clutter and pink mug


The human experience is littered with messiness. In our homes and around our neighborhoods we encounter conflict, clutter, commotion, disturbance, confusion. Disorder and chaos are felt in our hearts and minds. The chances for transformation are everywhere. This reality of disorder can cause stress. Yet, there’s a beauty in the mess: God meets us in the chaos.


God of chaos and order,
There are messes all around me. 
My heart and mind don’t always feel peaceful, either.
Yet, I trust that you are part of this turmoil, 
Creating anew in the chaos. 
Help me to see the beauty of messiness
And be open to how you are inviting me to change.


Before you tidy or clean part of your space today, notice beauty in the mess. Consider how God’s designs are perfect and beautiful no matter if things seem messy or chaotic. Work with God when you create order in the chaos.

Lent with Saint Clare series

1 thought on “Beautiful Messiness”

  1. I enjoy Sister Julia’s posts. As I read this post, I thought it seemed somewhat familiar. I recalled reading articles on “Messy Jesus Business” and decided to investigate. Both this post and that site are the work if Sister Julia Walsh. i appreciate them both.

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