Minute Meditations

St. Catherine of Siena, Open Our Eyes

St. Catherine calls us to be on the lookout for God. Each person will discover God in a unique way—an experience of beauty, love, forgiveness, generous sacrifice—the smile of a child, the first glimpse of the Grand Canyon, a donated organ, betrayal, persecution. In such circumstances, we stand in awe and feel infinitesimally small and unworthy. Life then truly becomes gift. Such experiences give access to Catherine’s theology. For her, God is great not simply because of God’s unimaginable goodness, but because God has chosen in love to share that goodness with creation and the human race. God pours out Godself in creation, incarnation, and Eucharist. God gifts us with every breath in every fiber of our being.

— from Accidental Theologians: Four Women Who Shaped Christianity
by Elizabeth Dreyer

Accidental Theologians


2 thoughts on “St. Catherine of Siena, Open Our Eyes”

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, you have the words of everlasting life. Help us to cast aside all doubt and fear so that we may freely embrace your word with complete trust and joy. We surrender all to you. Be the Lord of our lives and the Ruler of our hearts. May there be nothing which hinders us from trusting in your love and following your will. Amen.

    1. Mary McDowell

      Thank you Randy for sharing this beautiful prayer. It is exactly what I needed to hear this morning. I have lately felt like my life is falling apart and I am afraid for my future and need someone to help transform my life and guide me to where our Lord needs me to be. I so want to serve God and others but my severe anxiety gets in the way.

      I can’t make the change on my own and pray that the Holy Spirit will give me His strength, wisdom and guidance so I can surrender all to His will. In the name of Jesus, I pray that the Good Shepherd will lead this lost and confused sheep home

      Please pray for me. I feel like I am doing something wrong and so want to please my Father.

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