“Your Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matthew 6:7).
In committing himself to a life of poverty, Francis took seriously the belief that God would provide his daily bread. He was also mindful of the impression he and his brothers made, leaving their wealth and then begging food from the townspeople.
When they begged for alms in the city they received very little else than reproaches at having left their own possessions in order to eat at the expense of others. This caused them much suffering and great want. They were persecuted by their friends and relatives and by the citizens generally, both rich and poor, of all ranks, who derided them as mad committing himself to a life of poverty, Francis took seriously the belief that God would provide his daily bread.
Francis began his new life by rebuilding churches stone by stone. He and his early followers offered to work in the fields around Assisi in return for food and a place to sleep. With Jesus, he believed that “a laborer is worthy of his hire” (Luke 10:7). If they couldn’t find work, they would beg what they needed for that day. Our world is far different than that of a medieval walled city, but the basic principles remain the same. We need to be mindful of those who seek work, but also of those who need basic food and shelter.
—from the book Lent with St. Francis: Daily Reflections
by Diane M. Houdek