Faith and Family

Day Twenty Five: A Catholic Family Advent


O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,

in the covert of the cliff,

let me see your fact,

let me hear your voice;

for your voice is sweet,

and your face is lovely.

— Song of Songs 2:14


My daughter Riley is an animal lover. After our dog Hobbes passed away, she carried around a ceramic Yorkshire—complete with Hobbes’s old collar and leash—until we got a new puppy. Riley has great concern for all animals, including birds during the winter months. We are constantly filling our bird feeders, stringing popcorn, or throwing bread crumbs in our yard. It is no wonder, then, that her favorite saint is St. Francis, who was quite an animal lover himself.

Talk Together

What is your favorite animal? Why?


Dear Lord, watch over the birds of the air and all of the other animals of your creation.


Go outside and try to find some pine cones. If you do not have any in your yard, take a walk around your neighborhood or a local park and grab a bagful. Tie a ribbon or yarn around each pine cone (so you can hang it). Cover the pine cones with peanut butter, then roll them in birdseed. Hang the ornaments outside and watch the birds enjoy your treat. Or, simply, put some birdseed out for the birds to enjoy.

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