Thank You, Mom
With this Mother’s Day, I have an opportunity to simply say, “Thank you.” And, perhaps not so simply, “I’m sorry.”
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With this Mother’s Day, I have an opportunity to simply say, “Thank you.” And, perhaps not so simply, “I’m sorry.”
We may not be able to control what goes on in the world, but we can control how we react to it. This prayer can help us stay focused.
For those who love somebody struggling with mental illness, our job is to be fully present and listen without prejudice.
Surveying our lifestyles and making simple changes can do a world of good and do good for the world.
Even while the world is at a standstill, our minds can race. But it’s in the quieter moments where we find the space to breathe—and pray.
Three years ago, Franciscan Media offered a seven-day blog and video series on the Virgin Mary. I was tasked with finding a writer. I needed a voice that was authoritative but warm—and quickly. No easy mission! In the 11th hour, a colleague suggested that a good friend of his, Maureen O’Brien, might fit the bill. We engaged her, and she agreed.
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