Franciscan Spirit Blog

Lent with Padre Pio: Good Friday

“Do not say you are all alone in climbing Calvary and that you are all alone as you struggle and weep, for Jesus is with you and will never abandon you.”
—Letters, Vol. 2, 479

Padre Pio is recognized as a saint now, but there were certainly times of spiritual trial during his life. He was investigated by the Vatican more than once regarding his claims of the stigmata and many people suggested that he was inflicting the wounds on himself. For a period of time, the Vatican imposed sanctions on him stating that he was not allowed to say Mass, hear confessions, or communicate with his spiritual adviser.

These restrictions were painful to Padre Pio. Yet he delved deeper into his prayer life and found peace in knowing that all he endured was for the glory and honor of Christ.

In Padre Pio’s Own Words

Do not be discouraged if your trial is always increasing. Believe at all times, lift your heart up on high, and you can be certain that there is no reason for dismay. Trials are hard; everyone knows that. So what, then? Isn’t it God who is overseeing everything and ordering everything for our greater good? Therefore be strong in the day of trial. Wait a bit longer, and our good God will hear our prayer.

Hasn’t he heard so many prayers up to this point? Therefore he cannot fail to hear this last one, the crown of all prayers.

Wait a bit longer! Do we know how long “a bit longer” is? It does not matter, my good daughter! You will see the answer when it pleases the divine Bridegroom and when we are all transformed in him. You will most definitely experience his promise, Videbitis me—“You will see me” [see Matthew 26:64].

(To Assunta di Tomaso, October 22, 1916)


St. Pio, you remained faithful to Christ, even during your times of trial.
Help us to prayerfully acknowledge the sacrifices Christ made
on our behalf through his suffering on the cross.

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