March 12, 2023

Grey and yellow bird on a branch

Morning Birds

Reflect Today, before checking your email, your phone, and connecting with the outer world, can you start your day noticing the simple, nearby joys already here? Pray Morning birds, let me hear you.Morning birds, you, too, must know God.Because you ...
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hourglass Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The Impermanence of Our Lives

I’ve lived my whole life trying to figure out how to outmaneuver suffering; yes, how to fly away. But I have no wings. What if I just surrender to Thich Nhat Hanh’s idea and let my suffering open to its ...
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Sunday Soundbite for March 12, 2023

Third Sunday in Lent Cycle AMarch 12, 2023 My hometown of Cincinnati is located on the Ohio River. The river brings us commerce, recreation, and drinking water. It also brings destructive floods. Water is a powerful sign; that’s why it’s ...
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Cross laid on palms

Lent with St. Clare: Third Sunday

All too often, we see God as a distant figure. When we do that, though, we fail to see the many ways that God is working in our lives. Perhaps God is present in a friend or family member who ...
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