December 29, 2021

Sunday Soundbite for January 2, 2022

God’s revelation in Jesus has a power surpassing all our modern technological “miracles,” because it speaks to our hearts. Are we listening? Are we open to the Word?
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Let Us Pray: A Plea for the New Year

If we are to embrace the next chapter of our lives with open arms, we need to take time to cultivate a sense of closure from the last chapter.
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Dear Reader: Changing Seasons

By the time you read this, the year will quickly be coming to an end and opening the door to a new one.
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Saint Thomas Becket

Saint Thomas Becket

Saint Thomas Becket, the well-known archbishop of Canterbury, England, is a saint with a checkered past. As depicted in the movie "Becket," Thomas did not at first take his responsibilities as a deacon seriously, but when King Henry II tried ...
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Pope asks pontifical council to begin planning Holy Year 2025

Preparations for the Holy Year 2025 have already begun, and Pope Francis has asked the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization to take charge of the efforts.
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