November 11, 2020

Sunday Soundbite for November 15, 2020

In our faith communities we’re challenged to find ways to discover the gifts each person has and to discover how to put them at the service of the Kingdom.
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Saint Martin of Tours

Saint Martin of Tours

Saint Martin of Tours is often depicted as a soldier mounted on a horse sharing his cloak with a poor man. He became a monk and then a bishop, but he never lost his love for the poor. He spent ...
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Supreme Court seems ready to let Affordable Care Act stand

On Nov. 10, when the fate of the Affordable Care Act faced the Supreme Court for the third time since it was signed into law 10 years ago, the justices seemed willing to leave the bulk of the law intact ...
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Faith and Family for November 15: Parable of Talents

This week's Gospel reading is about the parable of the talents, in which the servant who buried his talent is admonished, while the one who shared his is praised.
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Family hugging each other with trees in background

(Re)Building Family Bonds

Family is at the core of our social structure. But sometimes we take our families for granted or even experience deep rifts with some of our loved ones.
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