
People walking by while on person is standing still

Is Anyone Listening?

The promise of Jesus is that he knows the loneliness that all humans know, and experienced it through his Incarnation. Make time to do something for yourself today that brings you joy.
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man in the dessert at night with a light.

The Hard and Lonely Places

When you think of hard and lonely places, what comes to mind? Is it an actual desert? Or is it your workplace? Or a family gathering? Where is your desert?
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Man standing by the water at night

We Are Not Alone

Core to the Christian Gospel for Franciscans is the realization that the God of the universe decided to enter into our world, first through creation itself (Gn 1), then through the Incarnation (Jn 1), not because of sin or the ...
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lonely chair

For Those Who Are Alone

“Woe to the solitary person! If that one should fall, there is no other to help” (Ecclesiastes 4:10). The elderly and infirm are particularly vulnerable.
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wood snowflake ornaments

Lonely, but Never Alone

Reflect The holidays are a time of joy for many. For those who are alone, however, it is simply a season to endure. Don’t take it for granted. Count your blessings while saying this prayer for those who are struggling. ...
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Tree in a field

At Home on Earth: An Antidote to Loneliness

We have a loneliness epidemic in the United States, according to Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, the US surgeon general.
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