Sharing the Word for October 8, 2020

Thursday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

October 8, 2020
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Luke 11:5-13

Jesus continues to teach his followers about prayer–an important element of discipleship. Jesus speaks first about God’s willingness to give us the things we need. Would a neighbor refuse a neighbor in need? Would a father refuse to provide food for his children? We don’t need to wonder whether God is looking after us.

Jesus also talks about persistence. “Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking,” Jesus says. “Ýou will receive. You will find. Doors will be opened to you.” But we must be persistent in our approach to the Lord.

We need to be persistent in prayer not for the sake of informing God of our needs, but to train ourselves to expect and appreciate what God does for us. Am I persistent in prayer?

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