People holding hands around open bibles

Sharing the Word for October 5, 2023

Thursday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time

October 5, 2023
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Luke 10:1-12

The 72 disciples were sent out ahead of Jesus to the places he intended to visit. They were to be advance men for him.

Jesus sends them out in pairs. That way they could offer support and encouragement to one another. Each could be a witness to the truth of what the other was saying. They could be living examples of the peace that Jesus was offering.

All of us who are followers of Jesus are called to clear the way for him, to prepare the world around us for his coming. We don’t have to be full-time church people, but we do have to witness that the Lord is coming, and that the Lord is important. How effective an advance man am I?

Pause and Pray

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