Sharing the Word for October 27, 2020

Tuesday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

October 27, 2020
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Luke 13:18-21

These parables–the mustard seed and the yeast–are important for us who are concerned with the kingdom and its manifestation, the Church. They teach us that there is power and energy at work in the kingdom. It’s started off with small beginnings, but grows toward maturity in ways that are beyond our expectations. Its small beginnings lead to great outcomes.

But the kingdom isn’t yet complete. It’s still growing. If the kingdom–the Church–is not everything we would like it to be, it’s not because there’s something wrong, but because the Church is what Jesus said it would be–a project that involves growth, development, incompleteness.

Thanks be to God for the kingdom, for its growth, for its ongoing progress.

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