Thursday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time
October 13, 2022
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Luke 11:47-54
Jesus’ extended criticism of the Pharisees continues. Now he calls them to task for the way they relate to God’s spokesmen of the past. They don’t really reverence the custodians of authentic Jewish tradition, Jesus says. On the contrary, they and their ancestors have persecuted and even killed God’s representatives of former times. The monuments that contemporary religious leaders raise to the murdered prophets are merely commemorations of the faithlessness of their ancestors.
What the teachers of Jesus’ time offer to the people only serve to make observance of the law distasteful and more difficult. Jesus is accusing his opponents of being fundamentally unfaithful to their calling. It’s no wonder they wanted to kill him. How loyal am I to the traditions of our faith?