Nativity scene surrounded by candles

Sharing the Word for January 6, 2023

Friday of the Second Week in Christmas Time

January 6, 2023
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Psalm 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20

Praise the Lord, Jerusalem! There are lots of reasons why God’s people should offer him praise. This psalm offers us a whole portfolio of themes for benediction and thanksgiving.

For one thing God offers his people sure defense against its enemies. Its children are secure in him. God has granted his people peace and prosperity and abundance. He controls his creation with benevolence. God has given his law to his people. He offers them direction in ways that he has not offered to any other people. God has given his people wisdom and knowledge. He has taught them that they are beloved by him.

It’s impossible to list all God’s gifts to his people. We respond to them best by offering him praise and gratitude.

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