Sharing the Word for April 29, 2022

Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena

April 29, 2022
Daily Reading from the USCCB: John 6:1-15

This reading introduces an eight-day series from the Sixth Chapter of the Gospel of John. Its general theme is Jesus as the bread–the source–of life.

The chapter begins with the account of Jesus feeding the multitude. This narrative serves to introduce Jesus’ teaching about himself as sacramental food and spiritual nourishment. There is an additional dimension of abundance. Just as there was more than enough food for the crowd with plenty left over, so also Jesus’ sacramental gift of himself and the nourishment that his teaching provides is inexpressibly more than his followers expect or imagine.

Jesus still continues to offer us his presence, his life, his wisdom. It’s up to us to accept what he offers and to be grateful.

Pause and Pray

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