Saint of the Day

Saints Joachim and Saint Anne
Saint of the Day

Saints Joachim and Anne

We believe that Jesus is truly God and truly human, and this feast of his grandparents is a testimony to that faith. While the names Joachim and Anne may be legendary, we know that Jesus had grandparents in the parents of Mary (as well as those of Saint Joseph). Our God truly became human and lived among us.

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Saint Henry

Saint Henry

Saint Henry, a German king and Holy Roman Emperor, lived life according to the customs of his times, but did it in a holy way. He is a clear witness to the holiness of secular life lived according to the ...
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Saints John Jones and John Wall

Saints John Jones and John Wall

Saints John Jones and John Wall were ordained diocesan priests who later joined the Franciscans. Living almost a century apart, these two saints shared a common characteristic.
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Saint Benedict

Saint Benedict

Saint Benedict is known as the Father of Western Monasticism due to his great influence on the shape and character of monastic life in the West. Living the life of a hermit, others witnessed his lifestyle and wanted to follow.
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Saint Veronica Giuliani

A Capuchin Poor Clare nun, Saint Veronica Giuliani received the unique gift of the stigmata of Christ. Few people have been blessed with these marks; Saint Francis of Assisi was probably the most notable among them.
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Stained Glass window of Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions

Among the Chinese martyrs was the diocesan priest, Father Augustine Zhao Rong. Facing the strong anti-foreign and anti-Catholic feelings present in China for centuries, these martyrs were caught up in a situation that in many ways had nothing to do ...
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Saint Gregory Grassi

Saint Gregory Grassi and Companions

Among the 120 Chinese martyrs canonized in 2000 were Saint Gregory Grassi and companions. Victims of political maneuverings by other countries these Franciscan men and women, along with lay men and women, gave their lives in service of the Chinese ...
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