Pause + Pray

The Power of Stories

Young woman enjoys reading a book while drinking coffee


Adults need stories of heroic faith as much as children do. Exposing ourselves to excellent literature and beautiful stories can play the role of extra companions in our journeys, encouraging us until the end. Is there a classic book you’ve always wanted to read, but never got around to?


God, you wrote the ultimate story of beauty.
Encourage us through storytellers that you have graced with your gift.
Help us to be unafraid to tell our own stories.
May we be open to hearing and learning from the stories of others,
especially from those whose stories challenge our beliefs
and understanding of the world.
Those are the storytellers we can most learn from,
if we would only let down our guard.
Weaken our stubbornness and close-mindedness, Lord.
They are roadblocks to hearing a good tale well told.


Commit to reading one page a day from a book you’ve always wanted to read. If you never read any more than that, you will have finished 365 pages of it in one year.

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