Pause + Pray

In Search of the Common Good

woman tutoring a student and helping with homework


The Gospel calls us to consider the good of our neighbor as equally important to our own good. May we express our love for God by prioritizing the needs of those around us, particularly the most vulnerable and marginalized.


Good Shepherd, I pray for my political and religious leaders,
that they will make all decisions and take all actions
with the most vulnerable among us in mind.
And yet I know that I, too, have a responsibility to the common good.
You have called me to love my neighbor as myself
and yet I would so often rather preserve my own good fortune
and look out only for my own interests.
Remind me in those times that the world will never change through individualism,
but only through concern for the interests of others.
Give me strength and courage to choose justice,
even when it requires sacrifice from me.
In the spirit of Jesus, I pray.


Spend some time examining your beliefs and lifestyle today. Journal about your thoughts.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.