Pause + Pray

Offer a Prayer of Gratitude


They say laughter is the best medicine, but we know gratitude is healing too. Today let us pray with grateful hearts for what we still need and for the blessings that already surround us.


Generous God, thank you
for the wondrous life
you have given me.

For even in the struggle,
grace abounds.
Even in the hard times,
I see evidence
of your hand.

Thank you for my loved ones
who bring my life
joy and connection.

Thank you for meaningful work
through which I can serve others.
Thank you for the home
of this earth

and the way it awes
and comforts me.

I revel in your goodness today.


Propose to keep your eyes open to God’s gifts today, and let gratitude swell your heart.

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1 thought on “Offer a Prayer of Gratitude”

  1. I like to just say thank you,Lord for never abandoning us, even through all we been through this year. We lost our dad, but we have faith that you Lord will protect us.


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