Pause + Pray

Jesus Came for the Sick

man checking his fever with a thermometer.


Jesus told the religious leaders of his day and his disciples that he came for the sick, poor, and those who were marginalized—not the healthy or the wealthy. The healing miracles that accompanied the public ministry of Jesus reveal his deep care and love for the sick and those who felt most marginalized in society. With compassion in our hearts, today we remember and honor all the sick in our world, our families, and in our local communities.


Healing God,
Those who are sick and suffering in any way are never far from your heart.
Fill us with your compassion and love,
so we might care for the sick with the same tenderness that you did.
We ask your blessing of peace to ease the suffering
of those who feel most afraid or lonely right now.


As you pray today, call to mind the names of the sick who come to your mind and especially pray for those who feel lonely amid their suffering.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.