In stark times of social turmoil, it can be hard to envision seasons of goodness ahead. As Psalm 118 reminds us: “Better to take refuge in the Lord than to put one’s trust in mortals.”
It can sap our hope
to see the fractured world
that people have created,
how so much keeps on breaking and burning.
But when we turn our gaze
from flawed humans in today’s headlines
toward the everlasting—toward God—
and place our trust there,
the fires of fear are doused.
We can envision a fresh, verdant future
for our children and grandchildren.
For as we are reminded:
his mercy endures forever.
Perhaps for today, take a break from the burden of the day’s news, and the cacophony of social media. In that stillness, let the soft healing of the Holy Spirit fill in those spaces where you usually find worry.