Pause + Pray

Grateful for the Ordinary

Three green pear


In his book Odes to Common Things, the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda wrote praises for socks, lemons, soap, bowls, scissors, and many other items. Similarly, a still life painter or artistic photographer helps us see something as ordinary as bread, bird or pear with new appreciation. If we don’t pause to thank, we might assume such mini-blessings will always be there.


Thank you, God,
for those who make us laugh,
who bring us beauty
in art, music or literature,
who heal us when we’re sick
comfort us when we’re frightened,
and see in us the beauty
of your divine child.


For what are you truly grateful? There are many tools online such as forums, blogs, and quizzes to help you develop your sense of gratitude. Take a few moments today to find something that works for you. 

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