Pause + Pray

Dependence on God

open hands


Repeatedly in the Psalms, we are reminded that it is from God’s open hand that we are fed. Psalm 104:28 read, “When you open your hand, [we] are filled with good things.” And yet the psalm also reminds us that even the lion cries to God for its prey. But one thing the psalm fails to address is how does the prey feel about that prayer? It is worth pondering. And it might be fruitful to consider this question in the light of praying for “our daily bread.” What does it mean to receive from the hand of God our daily bread? And what does it mean to—possibly—become that bread for someone else?


Jesus, Bread of Life,
You taught us to pray for our daily bread,
but you also taught us—through your passion and crucifixion—
to become bread for others.
Give us this day the bread you have prepared for us,
and give us hearts open to receive it.
Let us always be grateful for the bread we are given,
especially when it is the chance to become bread for one another.


Today, look for an opportunity to become bread for another. Perhaps there is a neighbor who needs help with yardwork, a family member or coworker who needs someone to talk to, a new family at church who need to feel welcome. Let yourself become the bread of life for them; let yourself be the gift of God for another. You may find yourself exhausted when the day is over, but perhaps that exhaustion is the very gift God has in store for you, a chance to rest in Christ’s arms.

Herman Sutter

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