Pause + Pray

Choosing a Better Way

Birds flying among the clouds


“C.S. Lewis, one of the great Christian scholars and writers of the 20th century, wrote that the goal of the Christian is simple: to proclaim the reality of God’s kingdom of love and joy. He said that the power of choice makes evil possible. But choice is also the only thing that makes possible any love, goodness, or joy worth having. How can I become a joyful person, a more lighthearted person, even cheerful? Such an attitude adds to my own mental and physical health and helps to create a fresh and positive environment around me.”—from Three Minutes with God, by Msgr. Frank Bognanno


God of all knowledge, sometimes I feel trapped by my own indecision,
and often it seems as if the world is spinning out of control.
You gave us a superpower in free will, but I feel like I’m squandering this gift most of the time.
Help remind me that the power to choose a positive attitude rests firmly in my hands.
Help me to understand how the attitude I adopt affects those around me, for better or worse.


What is something that you feel is out of your control today? Proactively identify one way you can bring an element of control back into this situation. Whatever you can’t control, give to God.

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