Pause + Pray

Beloved Child


We often go to God in prayer, but do we ever allow God to pray over us? May this prayer inspire your Christian imagination to experience the intimate grace that perpetually washes over us every day. May it baptize you with the truth of God’s love.


I know sometimes you slip into lies
you’ve believed.

I know sometimes old ways return,
forgetting love you have received.
I know sometimes
you have better days.
I know sometimes
you lose touch with grace.
But did you know I love you still,
that you’re mine and mine alone?
Did you know I will not leave you,
my beloved child?


In the morning, afternoon, and evening today, enter into stillness and be reminded that God dwells within you—in the deepest levels of your being—and animates you through the mystery of the Holy Spirit. Come home to this truth and allow God to pray over you.

Minute Meditations


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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.