Pause + Pray

Affirming Others


Isaiah 55:8–9 proclaims that God’s ways and thoughts are higher than our own. God’s vision and purpose is greater and more welcoming than our own. No one is outside the circle of love. When we resign from being God and align ourselves with God’s emerging vision, we can experience true humilitynot claiming to know the truth fully or condemning others for their falsehood. We can expand the circle of love, letting go of the need to be “right,” and trusting that God will give us insight and inspiration in our relationships with others. Letting go of our own need to focus on differences, we learn to share our common humanity and become God’s companions in healing the world. Consider how you will affirm your connection with persons who differ from you politically, ethnically, racially, and in lifestyle and age.


God of all creation, of galaxies and quarks, pangolin and plankton,
help me embrace my humanity with humility.
Seeking not to “lord it over others,”
ut to be in loving solidarity with all your children.


Seize opportunities today to reach out with humility to persons with whom you disagree, recognizing your fallibility and their identity as God’s beloved children. Consciously reach out to an “other” if the occasion arises.

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