Pause + Pray

A Hidden River

woman walking along a hidden path.


It is a natural part of our faith journey to not always be able to feel God, especially when something is weighing on our hearts. What is troubling you most today?


Sometimes our life is like a winding back road,
and we feel we are driving alone.
Overwhelmed, scared, perhaps even bitter.
A dense mountain rising to our right,
trees ticking by with dense leaves on the left.
But alongside the contours of our journey,
God is like a river, always there through every turn.
We might not always understand that God is with is,
but God flows alongside every moment of our lives.
Pure, endless, forever.


In the tensions of our lives, snippets of Scripture can help us move through the day with greater ease. Today, keep the simple words “peace like a river” from Isaiah 66:12 in your heart.

Maureen O'Brien

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