Pause + Pray

A Friend in Matt Talbot


Venerable Matt Talbot is known worldwide as the patron of alcoholics, but his disease is only one part of his life. It doesn’t paint the full picture. Talbot gave money he didn’t have to the needy and was dedicated to a life of prayer, sacrifice, and service to others.


God of healing, your faithful servant,
Matt Talbot,
lost years to his disease.
But no malady is beyond
your ability to heal.
May those who struggle with addiction know your voice
and loving care.
May those who are bound
by their vices be freed to feel the grace
that only your love can provide.


If you struggle or have struggled with drug or alcohol dependency, you have a friend in Matt Talbot—as well as a God who knows your pain and will love you through it. Offer this prayer as a way of giving thanks.

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6 thoughts on “A Friend in Matt Talbot”

  1. I have turned to Matt Talbot for my own struggles with alcohol…I started sobriety May 2 and since had 1 major fall but picked self up again…I have made him my spiritual sponsor and going to daily mass and doing the graces of more prayer and good works that he did to help myself….I pray for his help daily to keep me sober….he’s definitely my friend 🙏

    1. God is going to keep helping you. I stood where you are 41 years ago and by the Grace of God and the help of the 12 steps and other people like me, I am sober and have a life I never imagined. Prayers for you.

  2. Melanie McPhee

    Today I had a very bad day struggling with my son who’s an alcoholic. I’m also a recovering alcoholic and drug addict but I have 30 years of sobriety in October of this year. I pray for my son always because he seems to make the wrong choices constantly and we get in terrible arguments so I pray to Matt Talbot for my son and myself .

      1. There is a national Catholic organization for recovering alcoholics:
        We have a branch in the Seattle area.
        I pray and hope there will be a Calix group close to where you live.
        My husband and I found our Calix group a true gift.

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