Minute Meditations

What Waiting Reveals

How much is revealed about who we really are when we are forced to wait, especially when we’re not sure what we’re waiting for. Is that what Mary was doing—just waiting and praying—when the undreamed of annunciation happened: Gabriel invading her private waiting, announcing that the Lord was with her? She was being told that whoever it was she was waiting for was greater than she imagined and was already there: the Word of God. And Mary says, “Be it done unto me according your word.” So it was for Mary; so it can be for us who wait in silent prayer seemingly unable to do anything to change our circumstances. We can choose to be and let God do. We can choose to let the Holy Spirit work, let the Holy Spirit come upon us that the Word might be born again in and through us. We can be still, and let the Word send down His Spirit.

—from the book Nourishing Love: A Franciscan Celebration of Mary
by Murray Bodo, OFM

Nourishing Love 2

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