Minute Meditations

St. Francis: Weak in Body, Strong in Spirit

weak hands of an old person, folded in lap

Forgiveness is a tricky thing. What if you offer it, as I have, offering a fresh starting point, moving forward anew—and it is refused? No response? No answer? Then what? Pray some. more, I guess. Put the situation in God’s hands and leave it there. No easy task, to be sure.

The beauty of Francis’s world after his experience of the San Damiano cross is that it largely shielded him. To me, he has always seemed frail—like a little one—and that is perhaps why I identified with him. I felt born afraid, little and frail, left out, overlooked. Perfect joy was not a perspective I appreciated because the need for it was constantly in my mind all day, every day. So, I have turned away from the dark eyes that seek to put me down or try to put me in my place. It still hurts, but I cling to the historical, sacred moment of Francis’s realization.

—from the book God’s Love Song: The Vision of Francis and Clare
by Murray Bodo, OFM, and Susan Saint Sing

God's Love Song

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