Minute Meditations

Grace Is Alive!

person watching a sunrise, surrounded by warm light

One of the fundamental laws of human life and of the spiritual life is that the measure we give to others will be the measure we will receive. If I give love and forgiveness, I will receive it, perhaps from others, but most certainly from God. If we refuse to love, or to forgive, we will sooner or later become victims of our own lack of love. The evil we do or wish to others will end up turning against ourselves. God does not punish anyone. People punish themselves. Today, make up your mind to love, to give of yourself to God and to others. Forgive someone. Let your measure to others be bountiful love and sincere forgiveness, and that love and mercy will be poured back to you bountifully.

Prayer: Lord, right now I pray for someone I need to forgive, someone I need to love. Amen.

—from the book Three Minutes with God: Reflections to Inspire, Encourage, and Motivate
by Monsignor Frank Bognanno

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