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We Are Not Trapped by Our Past

The past can only hurt you if you let it. Sounds simple in principle, but it is complicated to apply. The counselor taught me something he called “mindfulness.” In a nutshell, it is a method of focusing on the here and now and separating the past from the present and the other from the self. Here is what it looks like in action. When a bad memory surfaced and my emotions began to get out of control, I was to stop, call upon God’s grace, and focus on something in my immediate environment, preferably something pleasant. The idea was to pause and separate what was then from what is now.

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Loved Beyond Words

Mary believes in you. She believes in you, and she loves you more than you can imagine. You are special to her, and for that reason, she is always by your side whether you are aware of it or not. She knows the joy of being a child of God and she wants you to experience that same joy. Mary wants you to feel as though you are a child of God, loved and cherished by him.

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Child of Mary

Jesus will bring you back to life, not only because his mother has asked for this on your behalf, but also because he loves you. He wants you to be unafraid and to have faith in him. He also wants you to allow Mary to be your mother. He knows that becoming a child of his mother is the surest way to heal from the wounds on your spirit. It will take time and patience, but it will happen if you open your heart to her right now.

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Behold, Your Mother

While hanging on the cross, Jesus said to his Mother, “Woman, behold your son.” And to John, his beloved disciple, he said, “Son, behold your Mother.” This was more than a son’s dying request to secure the care of his mother after he was gone. It was Jesus’ request for Mary to be Mother to all human beings for all time. Despite his extreme suffering, Jesus did not issue this request out of desperation, but rather he spoke it with great feeling and purpose.

Our Lord knows your suffering, and he spoke those words just for you.

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Mary’s Children

“Be of good heart.” I love that saying because it is true. We should be of good heart no matter what happens because we know—or we should know—that we are Mary’s very own children and that she loves us beyond what words can adequately describe. We have, not only the right, but the obligation to call out to her when we are in trouble. Like all good mothers, her ears are tuned to the voices of her children. She knows each one individually and is constantly listening. 

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Be Childlike

A childlike person has a heart that is uncomplicated and wise, loving, and trusting in God. A childlike person feels sheltered and safe in God’s love. He lives his life peacefully and without worry about the past or future. A truly childlike person can cope with, and even overcome, anxiety. A child knows that whatever happens to him at every moment was foreseen for him by the Father and will contribute to his formation. The childlike person’s only concern is to discover what God wants from him right now.

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