Battling the Darkness
To paraphrase Dante’s famous opening lines from the Inferno, I find myself “within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.”
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To paraphrase Dante’s famous opening lines from the Inferno, I find myself “within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.”
An anti-immigration wave is washing over America and much of the Western world. This wave often drowns out the sensible voices of our pope and bishops, who teach that we must create “a world where immigrants, refugees, migrants, and people on the move are treated with dignity, respect, welcome, and belonging. “
COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc on communities across the country. I have no way of knowing what will happen next week or next month.
This fall marks six years since my family and I sold our 27-acre organic farm and the house we had designed and built ourselves—the place my wife and I thought we’d call home our entire lives.
Earlier this year, I adopted a “sit-spotting ” nature meditation practice, which I wish I’d started doing a long time ago.
Every other morning, before dawn, I hike back into the forest behind our rural home, to a secluded spot where a spring-fed stream tumbles down layers of exposed limestone. I sit there for about half an hour, watching a small stretch of the stream and listening to the sounds of the water and the woodland. I journal for a bit, then I hike back home.
Most of us want to believe that the world is fundamentally predictable and safe.
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