Sunday Soundbite for July 19, 2020
No matter what obstacles it faces, no matter how small the efforts of Christians seem, the Kingdom of God will flourish.
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No matter what obstacles it faces, no matter how small the efforts of Christians seem, the Kingdom of God will flourish.
The cycle of growing, the passage of seasons, the risks of planting crops—all these activities teach a lot about life. Perhaps that’s why the Scriptures use farming images so frequently.
In addition to the Lord’s encouragement that we come to him with our burdens, he invites us to “take up his yoke” and “learn from him.” His meekness and humility show us a way to bear our burdens.
Being a Christian in gospel terms is serious business indeed. The context of Christian hospitality is self-sacrificing love–the love that leads to accepting one’s cross.
Jesus tells the crowds that he himself will be true food and drink for them. Jesus the living bread will give them eternal life.
Through the Trinity we have strength to live in relationship to one another. We’re to encourage one another and live in peace. Such a relationship is God’s plan for us.
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