June 28, 2023

Siddharth Chaini Nitin from India poses for a photo at the Vatican Observatory in Albano, Italy, June 20, 2023. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)

Vatican hosts astronomers of tomorrow for summer school

In the hilltop town home to the former summer residence of popes, two domes tower over residences and restaurants: the Baroque dome of a church topped with an iron cross and another that can be opened to reveal a now-retired ...
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yellow lillies

God’s First Book

Reflect St. Bonaventure said creation was God’s first book, leading us back to God if we “read” it properly. Choose some natural wonder: a leaf, turtle, flower, stone, cat, tree or blade of grass. Remember: Jesus said “consider the lilies,” ...
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Picture of a person's reflection in a puddle of water

Who We Are before God

St. Francis knew that to see ourselves as we truly are is to look at ourselves with the eyes of God.
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St. Francis and the Word of God

The Franciscan life is a high calling. But if God has given us this vocation, he will also give us his grace to carry it out.
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