June 30, 2022

Drawing of first Martyrs of Rome

First Martyrs of the Church of Rome

Around the year 64, the city of Rome experienced a devastating fire. Emperor Nero blamed it on the Christians, and a severe persecution followed. Included in the mass murder of Christians were the First Martyrs of Rome. We don’t know ...
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Pope condemns ‘barbaric’ attack on shopping center in Ukraine

Pope Francis again pleaded for an end to hostilities in Ukraine after missiles struck a shopping center filled with people.
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Image of Sister Meg Earsley and friends

Sister Meg Earsley

The Overseas Lay Mission program broadened this woman's understanding of Franciscan mission being rooted in a ministry of presence and accompaniment.
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Loving the Big Bad Wolf

Even the most difficult of people need our love. While we may not be as successful in taming the wild beasts in others as Saint Francis was, we can still see them as God’s beloved children, with the same basic ...
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