Sharing the Word for June 30, 2022

Thursday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

June 30, 2022
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Matthew 9:1-8

All the miracle stories involve the power of Jesus. Today Jesus’ power is active on two fronts: the cure of the paralytic and the forgiveness of sin.

In response to the confidence of the paralytic and his friends, Jesus first forgives the sins of the paralytic. This elicits shock from the bystanding scribes. “Only God can do that, and so what this Jesus is claiming to do constitutes blasphemy.”

“You don’t think I have power to do that?” Jesus answers. “Let me show you power that you can understand.” Then he cures the physical sickness of the paralytic.

Jesus is still powerful today. He still forgives sins. He still reaches out to the sick. All he requires from us is confidence in his power.

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