December 11, 2021

Lithograph of Saint Damasus

Saint Damasus I

Saint Damasus was highly praised by his secretary, Saint Jerome. This adulation must have been much appreciated, as Saint Damasus faced the trials of the papacy in his day. A fearless leader, Saint Damasus did not always achieve victory in ...
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Day Fourteen: A Catholic Family Advent

There are so many blessings we receive during the Christmas season (not just the gifts, kids!). We often have the chance to reconnect with family and friends either face-to-face or through Christmas cards.
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The Gifts of Advent Day 14: Everything We Want

Advent is a good time to reflect on the many gifts we already have, and even on the many material things that make our lives more pleasant and less difficult.
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In Giving We Receive

Learning to be generous with those who are less fortunate is a lesson that can be taught from our earliest years. As we learn to share within our families and with friends, we can also learn to share with those ...
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