October 27, 2021

Sunday Soundbite for October 31, 2021

In our world if we focus on God first, then on loving others because of our relationship with God, we’ll have our priorities straight. And then we can properly evaluate everything else.
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Eucharistic revival could deepen understanding of Real Presence

Toni Guagenti of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was raised in a traditional churchgoing Catholic family and educated in the teachings of the church, yet as an adult she views the consecrated host as a symbol of Jesus and not the real ...
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Channeling Anger

“Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly” (Proverbs 14:29).
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Followers of St. Francis Eve Lavalliere

Seven Followers of St. Francis: Eve Lavalliere

Eve Lavalliere: “I thank You, O my God, that You have given me shelter beneath your roof. Abandonment, love, trust—such is my motto.”
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