December 2, 2020

Sunday Soundbite for December 6, 2020

Today’s Advent readings find us listening to hope-filled messages with an emphasis on the ones who brings the message: Isaiah; Zion; and John the Baptist.
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statue of Blessed Rafal Chylinski

Blessed Rafal Chylinski

This Polish Conventual Franciscan served in the military, but felt the call to the vowed religious life. Rafal was known for his simple and candid sermons, for his generosity, as well as for his ministry in the confessional.
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Social justice must be founded on care for others, pope tells judges

Guaranteeing justice for all men and women is not possible while a few people control most of the world's wealth and everyone else's right to a dignified life is disregarded, Pope Francis said.
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Outcomes and Expectations

When we do not surrender, it is easy for our identities to become attached to our own perceived ideals of how we think our lives should unfold.
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O Divine Master

To serve the Lord and Divine Master is to recognize the gratuity of grace that is never exhausted and never expires: everything in my life is a grace, gift, and blessing.
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