Peace Prayer of St. Francis

Graffiti of the words peace and love

God’s Gift of Peace

Peace is a gift from God. Human actions that cooperate with God’s grace activate peace in the world.
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Illustration of love and hate

I’d Like to Say: We Need  to Stop ‘Othering’

The time-honored practice of labeling and excluding those who differ from us is eating away at our Christian call to love one another. 
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white dove with olive branch in its peak printed on fabric

Bedrock of Franciscan Peacemaking

Mutual giving and receiving is the bedrock of Franciscan peacemaking.
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people watching the sunset

Editorial: Following St. Francis of Assisi into the New Year

St. Francis is someone whom people often turn to for inspiring words—even though he actually didn’t say some frequently attributed to him.
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Statue of St. Francis of Assisi

A Look at the Peace Prayer of St. Francis

The Peace Prayer of St. Francis is a deep well of spiritual wisdom. We are wise to visit this well often.
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Relief on stone of a dove with a twig, the Christian symbol of the Holy Spirit, as well as symbolic rebirth and traditional secular symbol for peace.

The Peaceful Spirit of St. Francis

In his writings and in the early biographies of St. Francis, he emerges as a person formed and informed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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