Sharing the Word for September 24, 2020

Thursday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

September 24, 2020
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Luke 9:7-9

Herod kept trying to see Jesus, no doubt in order to control or even eliminate him. Part of our Christian spirituality is getting to see and to know Jesus to assimilate him into our lives.

As we grow and develop spiritually we learn ever more about Jesus. We get to know him as lawgiver, judge, friend, confidant, support, challenge, comfort, reassurance. Jesus becomes somebody with whom we find ourselves sharing the whole experience of our life–one whose approval we seek and need. As our intimacy with him deepens we find Jesus increasingly fascinating, intriguing–a mystery of love and generosity.

Herod wanted to get to know Jesus so he could master him. Our lifetime adventure is to know Jesus so he can master us.

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