Sharing the Word for March 18, 2021

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent

March 18, 2021
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Ezekiel 32:7-14

Today, a dialogue between Moses and God about the people’s idolatry. God wants to destroy them and start over with a new people. Moses succeeds in turning away God’s wrath. He elicits God’s forgiveness for the people. This encounter is about sinfulness and forgiveness and mediation. Thanks to the intervention of Moses God forgives the sins of the people.

In Holy Week this dynamic is expressed once more in the liturgy of the Church. We are all sinners, idolaters in one way or another. By his death on the cross Jesus exercises the role of mediator between us and God. He makes humanity once more pleasing to God.

It’s good for us to prepare for Holy Week. It’s right for us to be grateful.

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