Sharing the Word for July 1, 2020

Wednesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

July 1, 2020

Daily Reading from the USCCB: Matthew 8:28-34

Another miracle narrative in which we see Jesus overcoming the powers of evil. The account ends with the townsfolk begging Jesus to go away. Perhaps they were frightened by the power that Jesus had demonstrated. Perhaps they didn’t want any further damage to come to their property.

Sometimes we are like the Gadarenes. We are fearful of what might happen to us if we allow Jesus to get too close to us. Sometimes we are actually in love with our demons–our pride, our dependencies, our need for comfort. We are afraid that we can’t really do without them.

The lesson that we need to learn is that being made free in Christ is far better than hanging on to our comfortable old demons.

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