Monday of Easter Week
April 5, 2021
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Acts 2:14, 22-33
For the next seven weeks, we’ll be hearing from the Acts of the Apostles. Acts is a sequel to Luke’s Gospel. It tells us what happened after the resurrection of Jesus and how the community of faith was formed.
In today’s reading, Peter is addressing the crowd that had gathered on Pentecost. He says, “You saw the miracles Jesus did, but you killed him. Yet God raised him from the dead as foretold in Psalm 16. When David wrote Psalm 16 he wasn’t talking about himself, but was foretelling the resurrection of the Messiah. As for David, he’s still buried here in our midst.”
The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of the apostles’ message–the keystone of the Christian faith, then and now.