Pause + Pray

To the Aching Soul

man grieving


During the season of Lent, we bring with us our own pain and grief. In the waiting for the Resurrection, we are reminded of a God who became one like us and understands the reality of waiting amid our hardship. This Lenten season, may we bring forward our own pain and grief into the desert and find solidarity and peace with Christ alone.


To the God who waits with us,
who sits with us,
who mourns with us,
and who, within our lament, holds us:
This Lenten season, may we find solace in your Son,
solace in the divine and human coming together in one,
to show us that we are not alone in the waiting.
To the God who beckons us home:
Guide us in our waiting.


Find time today to write down whatever you bring into this Lenten season that is marked by pain and grief. Find time during the week to bring those words to adoration, and welcome Christ into that space with you, allowing Jesus to sit and grieve with you.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.

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